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Focus on what your students can do in class that you typically do.


Updated: Jan 24

Students can take responsibility for their learning in class by doing things the teacher normally does. During lesson preparation, teachers can:

  • Look at a block of scripture they will be teaching in the future.

  • Consider the curriculum and some of the things they might normally do as they teach this block (for example: ask questions, lead a discussion, write on the board, share insights, and so on).

  • Ask, “What can I have students do in class that I normally do?”

  • Record impressions in the lesson plan and implement them during class.

Doing this provides more opportunities for students to be active participants in the learning process, which can facilitate deeper spiritual growth.

What might you ask students to do in class that you are planning to do as the teacher in the following situations?

  • You plan to write student responses on the board as they answer a question about focusing on the Savior during the sacrament.

  • You plan to share a personal experience related to an upcoming principle.

  • Considering an upcoming lesson, what might you ask students to do in class that you are planning to do as the teacher?

Think About This...

  • What value do you see in looking for ways to allow the students to do in class what you would normally do?

  • What are some other ways you feel this could be done in the classroom with students?

Take Action...

  • As you prepare your next lesson, take time to consider what you would normally do in class and then ask yourself the question, “What can I have students do that I normally do?” make a list while its on your mind.

  • During lesson preparation, how can you create the habit of asking yourself the question “What can I have students do in class that I normally do?”

When I was teaching seminary, I wanted every student to have a job in class--something they were over. So I made a list of everything I did in class from the moment they started showing up to the moment they left class. I have a person who was assigned to turn off the lights when showed a video. I assigned a scribe each week. I assigned someone to shut the door when the tardy bell rang. someone to greet people.....the list swent on and on. Anything I was doing I had a student do it. IT got to the point I just had to stand and lead the discussion. It took some time, but they all adopted their assignments. It was fun, but more importantly, they had ownership over the class.

It all part of "being student focused."

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