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Prepare With Your Students In Mind


Prepare to teach

Sometimes, in preparing to teach, you may want to use--or reuse a lesson or activity--you have used in the past without thinking about how it applies to the current group of students that are in your class. This approach often does not take into account the unique needs of your students. When you prepare, let your understanding of the students you teach guide your plans. To reach different learners, you may be led to use music, make an assignment in advance, or share an analogy about something a class member is interested in, such as sports. Christlike teachers are not committed to a particular style or method; they are committed to helping people build faith in Jesus Christ and become more like Him.

Question to ponder. How could I change my teaching plans to meet the unique needs of someone in my class?

Scriptural example. How did the Savior’s teaching approach meet the particular needs of the people He taught? (see, for example, Mark 10:17–22).

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