Be a Humble Instrument of the Spirit
Sometimes teachers may be tempted to think that it is their knowledge or methods or personality that inspires those they teach. This attitude prevents them from inviting the Holy Ghost to teach class members and change their hearts. Your purpose as a teacher is not to make an impressive presentation but rather to help others receive the influence of the Holy Ghost, who is the true teacher.
Question to ponder. What changes should I make so that I can have the Holy Ghost with me more fully as I teach? (see, for example, D&C 112:10). For a personal evaluation exercise, see “Improving as a Christlike Teacher” in this resource.
Scriptural example. What does the Spirit teach me as I read about how Alma and the sons of Mosiah became “instruments in the hands of God”? (Mosiah 27:32–37; Alma 17:1–12; 26; 29).