Love Those You Teach
Everything the Savior did throughout His earthly ministry was motivated by love. As we strive to be true followers of Christ, we can be filled with this same love (see John 13:34–35; Moroni 7:47–48; 8:26). When the Savior’s love is in our hearts, we seek every possible way to help others learn of Christ and come unto Him. Love becomes the motivation for our teaching.
The following activity can help you apply principles of Christlike teaching. Read each statement below, and consider how well it describes you as a teacher. Choose the most appropriate response for each:
1 = rarely 2 = sometimes 3 = often 4 = almost always
Then, as guided by the Spirit, prayerfully select a few things you would like to improve and set some goals that will help you to develop this Christlike attribute in your teaching.
Love Those You Teach
I pray for those I teach.
I express my love to the people I teach.
I understand the needs and experiences of those I teach.
When I prepare to teach, I focus more on the people I am teaching than on making a presentation.
As prompted by the Spirit, I alter my plans in order to address learners’ questions and needs rather than trying to cover everything I have prepared.
I reach out to those who are not attending class.
Among the people you teach, you are likely to have some who seem faithful and converted and others who seem uninterested or even rebellious. Be careful not to make assumptions based only on what you see. The Holy Ghost can help you see in each person some of what the Savior sees—and help you begin to love them the way He does.
Questions to Ponder: Think about each person you teach, and ponder how Heavenly Father and Jesus feel about each one. What might They see in him or her? How will these thoughts affect the way you teach that person?
Thank you for all you do to bless those who you teach.