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See Others As God Sees Them (Sept 6-16)


See Others as God Sees Them

Because God looks on a person’s heart, what He sees may be different from what we see on the outside (see 1 Samuel 16:7). As you strive to see those you teach as God sees them, you will recognize their divine worth, and the Spirit will teach you what to do to help them achieve their potential.

Questions to ponder. How has the love and confidence of a parent, teacher, or other mentor made a difference in my life? How could my love make a difference for someone I am trying to teach?

Scriptural example. In Luke 19:1–10, the Savior saw the publican Zaccheus differently from the way others saw him. What other examples from the scriptures show how God sees us?

I was reading a book about Mustafa Ataturk--the founder of modern Turkey (I try to read a book or two a year on great figures in history)--and in it he said this about educators: "A good teacher is like a candle--it consumes itself to light the way for others."

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